This question comes up repeatedly, so I thought I’d try to address it in a fresh way. My OpEx/Lean adventure began in the early 1990’s. I was a young engineer and manager fully absorbed with the Toyota Production System (TPS). My colleagues and I believed strongly that if we could master this way of thinking & working, we’d have a superpower: we could create Value in any industry and role we found ourselves in. Peter Drucker, Taiichi Ohno, Shigeo Shingo, and our formidable Toyota senseis were our guides.
Fast forward to today, and OpEx/Lean has truly lived up to its promise. Companies like Toyota, Honeywell, Danaher, and P&G continue to set the bar for excellence, and the Toyota Production System remains the gold standard for industries like energy, healthcare, and manufacturing If you dedicate your career to mastering these methods, you’re in good shape.
However, there’s a catch. Has OpEx/Lean kept up with the world of innovation? Have we incorporated insights from innovation giants like Clayton Christensen, Steve Blank, and Alex Osterwalder? And most importantly, do we understand the different mindsets and skillsets needed to continually Innovate at high level? I’ve written about Aristotle’s two worlds: Necessity (OpEx/Lean) and Contingency (Innovation). The key challenge is to understand them both at a deep level and figuring out how to switch between them seamlessly.
About a decade ago, I became absorbed by Innovation hot spots like Silicon Valley and Singapore. I began to study the achievements of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, and the teaching of Clayton Christenson, Steve Blank, and Alex Osterwalder. I found an innovation sensei, my friend & co-author, Laurent Simon. Laurent & I developed a practice and wrote a book about our Innovation adventures in east Asia (here’s the book). My Innovation journey has been as rich & challenging as my TPS journey.
Pascal & Laurent – Innovation Sprint in Thailand during the Kratong Festival © 2025 Lean Pathways Inc. |
My eureka moment when Laurent and I started working together on innovation projects in the Asian plant-based drink industry. Our goal was to develop & launch a new product from scratch. Our inspiration and model was a French product that should have been a commodity but instead commanded a premium price (20%+) - even in countries that did not like the French!
We too, wanted to find our ‘blue ocean’ – engaged customers who loved our offering & were happy to pay a premium for the value they received. And we wanted to launch in half the time, and at half the cost. The innovation team succeeded; we met our targets, learned a ton, and had great fun. Moreover, the methods & mindset we applied have become the New Product Launch process standard.
Post-launch, the COO, a friend & supporter, said, “Every year, we work like crazy to reduce waste, and thereby boost profit by a few percent. You’ve just shown us how to boost profit by twenty percent…”
And this is perhaps why senior leaders see OpEx/Lean as necessary, but not sufficient. OpEx/Lean lays a solid foundation and reliably delivers waste reduction year upon year. But that’s not enough. We also need to ignite new Growth using the methods & mindsets of Silicon Valley and Singapore. We want to find our blue ocean, and the dedicated, engaged customers who happily pay a premium in return for offerings that delight them. Experimenting your way up the ‘hockey stick’ curve in pursuit of an elusive blue ocean is as exhilarating as launching a major new car model. The challenge for 21st C leaders is being able to lead both.
In summary, OpEx/Lean has not gone wrong, but OpEx/Lean leaders must embrace the methods & mindsets of Innovation. We must look outside the relatively predictable world of Operations, and into the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world of the customer.
Best wishes,
Pascal Dennis
PS To learn more about my Strategy Execution program, Getting the Right Things Done in a Digital World, feel free to drop me a line.
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If It’s Not Simple, It's…
Igniting New Growth – Aristotle’s Two Worlds, Part 2
Igniting New Growth – Aristotle’s Two Worlds
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